
October 24, 2011

I did it!!!

  Well, I finally built up the courage to create a blog after thinking about it for months. It is a scary thing to do silly as it sounds.  I have had tons of ideas for a blog in the past, and all of a sudden I am now literally frozen in front of my laptop.... talk about writer's block! I guess the idea of someone eventually coming across your blog and reading your thoughts and opinions is kinda scary because you are putting yourself completely out there, hoping someone takes a liking in what you do. Regardless of having followers or not, I am doing this for me as a creative outlet; and if someone happens to like my blog, then that's even better. I really have to thank my boyfriend for encouraging me to do this and being such an  inspiration, he is awesome! 

  As a makeup artist, I thought I'd share my love for makeup and life with anyone willing to read me. I think if I can at least help someone feel prettier and better about themselves with a makeup look, this blog was worth creating. In it I'll be posting makeup tutorials, product reviews, anything beauty related really. So if there is anything you want to learn about, let me know so I can blog about it! Thanks for reading me and please subscribe for future beauty news :-)


  1. Te felicito! Y ahora, ¡¡a postear!! Un beso, mucha suerte!! Tu boyfriend.

    1. Gracias por creer en mi, por tu apoyo y por siempre darme motivacion y ganas de ser mejor!

  2. I love it! Great job! I wish you the best!

    Daniela :)


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